Monday, July 23, 2012

Crap I know!

It seems the older I get, the more I realize how much I don't know. So when I finally learn something makes my day.

Here's what I learned today: I really hate knitted doilies. I would prefer to knit lacy, beautiful pieces of art instead of crocheting them, but they suck trying to block out. (stretch out) Crochet doilies are perfect. You get them wet, lay out flat, and they stay that way.  ::Laugh:: But these are, as my girlfriend would say, VERY first world problems. A knitted doily will keep scratches off of furniture just as well as a crocheted one.

I also found my local Asian food market. YAY! I've been out of Jasmine tea since Italy. (I'm too snobby to drink it in bags.) Jasmine tea always reminds me of Paris. The park around the Eiffel Tower is covered in Jasmine bushes and they were in bloom when we were there. I remember closing my eyes and thinking: "How freaking cool is this?! A little podunk girl from Nebraska here smelling the jasmine in Paris."

The blurry object to the lower right is a pair of training chopsticks. I'm going to teach Jesse a life lesson. hehe

Stay cool and go leave a butter tub of water outside for the critters.
love, Ang 

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to knit and block something round and I have a Swirl in my Rav queue ... like with other projects ... someday. And am glad to hear that you found your local Asian market and got your Jasmine tea fix! Aah the memory ... jasmine and Paris. I still plan to take Nugget to Paris ... someday *sigh*
